Take part in Franz & Wach's big summer competition and win gift vouchers worth up to 150 euros! We are launching a big summer competition on our social media channels. For this purpose, drinking bottles with the inscription "Here I am right!" are currently being distributed to customers and employees. Participation is very simple: Position the bottle on your [...]
Collective wage increase in temporary staffing as of April 1
Collectively agreed wages in temporary employment will rise on April 1. This also increases the number of cases in which temporary workers earn more than permanent employees. The next collective wage increase in temporary staffing takes effect at the beginning of the month. As a result, the minimum wage in temporary employment will rise to 13 euros per hour, one euro above the currently applicable statutory minimum wage. Across all pay groups [...]
Nominated for the Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses
For the third time in a row Franz & Wach is nominated for the "Mittelstands-Oskar" of the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation We received a joyful mail from the jury of the "Großer Preis des Mittelstandes" these days: After 2021 and 2022, we were nominated again this year for the award, which is also often referred to as the "Oscar for medium-sized businesses". Managing Director Andreas Nusko [...]
The temporary employment model is growing at a stable level and opening up numerous new prospects for people applying from unemployment. Every year, the Federal Employment Agency publishes figures that are eagerly awaited by politicians, business and society alike: The figures on the employment situation in Germany. It is now clear that in the first half of the year we [...]
What a year it was! 2016 will definitely go down in the company's history, because during this period we celebrated successes and mastered a change process that is second to none. Being named the staffing company with the best career opportunities and reaffirming our industry growth record will remain in our memories, as will the revolutionary transformation of our leadership culture and our [...]
BAP makes a strong case for security in temporary employment
One thing is clear: Things are changing in the personnel services sector. Unfortunately, these changes are currently still characterized by uncertainty, because politicians have not yet been able to come to clearly defined decisions in all cases. The payment of temporary workers according to Equal Pay, for example, which is to come into force in 2017, is subject to numerous [...]
Are you familiar with the term "subsidiary liability"? It describes a liability principle that can be very expensive for employers, because if a contracted staffing service provider becomes insolvent, the client company will be asked to pay - for all social security contributions of the temporary workers employed by it. Don't let this scenario even come close and put [...]
The temporary employment market in Germany has experienced a significant growth spurt in recent years. According to official figures from the German Federal Employment Agency, which go back to the summer of 2015, around 960,000 people were working as temporary staff at mid-year. Two years earlier, the figure was around 100,000 fewer. Temporary workers accounted for 2.7 percent of all employees in Germany as of June. The [...]
Labor market: long-term unemployment almost halved
The number of people who have been unemployed for at least a year or more fell significantly in just under a decade. While around 1.9 million people in Germany were still affected by long-term unemployment at its peak in 2006, the number had fallen to around one million by 2014, according to statistics from the Federal Employment Agency. The [...]
Opportunities instead of hurdles for the low-skilled
People without vocational qualifications bear a particularly high risk of being affected by unemployment. Although the general unemployment rate in Germany is lower than ever before, almost one in five low-skilled workers suffers from not finding employment, according to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). But there are always opportunities. A temporary job at [...]
Collective agreement increase: Temporary employment wages gain strongly in purchasing power
Temporary wages are rising much faster than the cost of living in Germany. There is no end in sight to this trend, and the next wage increase will already follow next year. Life in Germany became around 0.9 percent more expensive in 2014 than in the previous year. This is shown by the consumer price index, which is calculated by the Federal Statistical Office and shows the price development of [...]
The German Personnel Leasing Act (AÜG) is facing major reforms. The German government had announced that it would present the new draft law in the next few days. We will list the most important "innovations" and explain what effects they will have on temporary workers. Maximum period of 18 months The duration of a temporary worker's assignment to a client company is to be limited to a maximum of 18 months in the future [...]