
Franz & Wach is among the top 25 personnel service providers


Our milestone of joining the ranks of the top 25 personnel service providers in terms of revenue was achieved unexpectedly quickly. There are good reasons for this.

Geschäftsführer Andreas Nusko und Firmengründer Gerhard Wach

It was an ambitious goal when our management set the course two years ago: by 2020, we wanted to be among the Top 25 of personnel service companies. At that time, we were just in 50th place and it was foreseeable that the industry would be affected by stagnation and by strict regulations. Favorable conditions look different. The fact that we have now achieved the five-year target in less than half the time we had planned is a remarkable achievement. All the more interesting is the question of how it was possible in the first place.

The fact that we identified the right measures is only part of the answer. Equally decisive was the courage to then implement them consistently. Our Management concept was fundamentally changed by giving more decision-making authority to the individual Locations was handed in. From then on, the respective teams set their own individual goals. What's more, each employee could now even decide for themselves how much they worked and how much vacation they took in order to maximize their own motivation and thus their own performance. Overriding all this was the idea of involving temporary employees and customers directly in the development of the company and thus allowing them to help determine its course.

Through this market-oriented strategy, Franz & Wach became the most fastest growing personnel service provider in Germany. And yet it is only a milestone, because our mission continues, also as far as our own development is concerned, as company owner Gerhard Wach aptly points out in prospect: "We are far from having reached the end of our ideas."

You want to know details about this leadership model? Watch our video to learn more.

Sources: Lündendonk & Hossenfelder | Staffing Industry Analysts

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