
Management model presented at the temporary staffing industry meeting


Experts enthusiastic about the Franz & Wach leadership model

Vortrag von Andreas Nusko zum Führungsmodell

The event agency Meet the Experts Academy organized on July 6, 2017 in Hamburg under the title "Temporary employment industry meeting" a Specialist conference on personnel services. Specialist experts from companies and associations shed light on various aspects of HR services and passed on their knowledge to the participants. The event, which was held for the first time in November 2016, then at the Munich site, attracts decision-makers from across the industry. It not only helps them learn from lighthouse projects, but also promotes exchange among the industry's trailblazers.

In addition to discussions on the new German Personnel Leasing Act, the central theme of the event was the challenges of digitization and the future of the world of work. The most highly regarded presentation at the event was probably that of Andreas Nusko, Managing Director of Franz & Wach Personalservice GmbH. He presented the temporary employees present the modern management model at Franz & Wach and its central considerations. This management model is based not only on a particularly flat hierarchy, but also on shifting decision-making authority from the central level to the branches. In this concept, leadership is not based on planned targets and micromanagement, but on Values and empowerment.

Andreas Nusko had equipped his presentation with numerous examples and interactive elements. In this way, he carried away his audience, which was still engaged in discussions during the breaks. The discussions once again clearly showed that the Franz & Wach leadership model is currently still unique in the industry, but that some managing directors are interested in adopting the model and applying it in their own companies.

Things are happening in temporary employment - and Franz & Wach is once again one of the pioneers.

The background of the special management model at Franz & Wach explain Managing Director Andreas Nusko and company founder Gerhard Wach in the video.

Information about the 1st Branchentreff Zeitarbeit in Munich last year can be found in the video linked here: Industry Meeting Temporary Employment Munich 2016

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