The member of the Bundestag Antje Tillmann (constituency Erfurt, Weimar, Grammetal) visited the Franz & Wach branch in Erfurt. In conversation with Managing Director Andreas Nusko and Fillialeiterin Judith Schubbert was about current topics in personnel services.
Time and again, members of the Bundestag visit one of our twenty branches. Managing Director Andreas Nusko sees this as a good opportunity to talk directly to the politicians who decide on the laws that are important for the staffing services industry. This includes the Temporary Employment Act, which is of central importance to the temporary staffing industry. "We are always pleased when politicians seek direct dialogue, to get personal impressions of our work and our topics. Such insights are certainly a good basis for holding discussions at the political level, also with appropriate basic liability," says Andreas Nusko.
This is also how Antje Tillmann, CDU member of the Bundestag for the constituency of Erfurt/ Weimar/Grammetal and financial policy spokesperson for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. Again and again it seeks dialogue with citizens, but also with entrepreneurs in her constituency to gather personal impressions of the issues being decided in Berlin. This was also the focus of a site visit to the Erfurt branch of Franz & Wach.
The conversation turned to the question, Why temporary staffing has an important function in filling positions. Nusko and Schubbert explained Franz & Wach's Smart Matching approach, in which the applicants' and employees' inner motivation is decisive in determining which activities and assignment companies are suggested to them. Temporary employment should Open doors and a Be a springboardfor a permanent position in the company. What Franz & Wach has been implementing in its management concept for years, and for which the company has already received several awards as particularly innovative, also determines the selection of assignments in the leasing of employees.
Of course it was also still about the Effects of the Employee Leasing Act reformed in 2017which, in the opinion of staffing companies, leads to too much bureaucracy and adversely affects the flexibility of the industry. The fact that setting a statutory maximum transfer period is not always in the interests of employees was also confirmed by André S.who is employed as a forklift driver through Franz & Wach. He described to Mrs. Tillmann his experience as a temporary employee and showed himself very satisfied with his employment and the support from Franz &Wach. His pay is even better than that of a permanent employee in the same job, which is why he has no interest in being taken on by the assignment company. Accordingly, he would hope that the politicians would also abolish the maximum assignment period.
Antje Tillmann rates the visit to Franz & Wach very positively. "Politicians must be careful to assess temporary employment in a differentiated way. Many temporary employment agencies, like Franz & Wach, do a tremendous job of integrating people into the labor market. If they are successful, the employees are then poached by borrowing companies. The work then starts all over again. Franz & Wach deserves my respect for these integration measures, which would otherwise have to be carried out by government agencies."