
F&W celebrates and promotes diversity


Great campaign for German Diversity Day and Eid

Franz & Wach loves and lives diversity. The term is very multifaceted. It includes, for example, religion, gender, lifestyle or demographics. Diversity Management is a significant success factor in working life today. That is why Franz & Wach has developed the Diversity charter signed - an employer initiative to promote diversity. Members are committed to promoting diversity and appreciation in the workplace. Once a year, the Diversity Day where members participate with their action #flaggefürvielfalt. This promotes diversity and brings it into the conversation.

On the occasion of Diversity Day 2019, Franz & Wach participated with a Action for the three-day Eid. This ended on 04.06.2019 the fasting period (Ramadan) of Muslims. At Franz & Wach were all employees, irrespective of their faith, receive gifts. In keeping with the history of Eid, this gift included handmade candies and a thank-you card. Eid represents the end of Ramadan and is an important Muslim event - comparable to Christmas for Christians. In addition to family visits, the main focus is on gifts and sweets. Eid owes its name to this tradition. 

With this action Franz & Wach shows its Appreciation toward Muslims, the second largest faith group within the workforce. Also Franz & Wach sensitizes employees to cultural and religious diversity. This promotes mutual understanding and respect. While Christmas is celebrated annually in Christian culture, Ramadan is often not noticed by Christians. Franz & Wach wants to offer development opportunities to people and companies. For people to be able to develop, they also need to feel comfortable - at work, among colleagues, in their job. Freedom for diversity and personal development as well as mutual understanding are crucial here.  

Muslims around the world use the fasting month of Ramadan to fast, pray and do charity work. During this time, people abstain from food and drink during the day. Ramadan is a sign of repentance, reflection and connection of the believer with his Creator. Through renunciation, body and soul are purified. For devout Muslims, fasting during Ramadan is a religious duty that is one of the five pillars of Islam. 

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