
More money and vacation for temporary workers


New collective agreement makes temporary work even more attractive for employees

The Negotiating Association for Temporary Employment (VGZ) and the Collective Bargaining Association for Temporary Employment of the DGB have a new tariff package consisting of a collective agreement on wages and salaries and a framework agreement on wages and salaries. The package provides for an annual increase in collectively agreed wages in temporary employment effective April 1. In addition, the collective bargaining partners have agreed to increase the To raise wages in the eastern collective bargaining area to the western level. This is to be implemented as early as April 2021. Temporary workers in the new federal states will already receive an additional wage increase in October of this year.

This means that the pay scale in the east and west of Germany will be harmonized earlier in temporary staffing than in many other sectors. The wage for the lowest pay group (jobs without vocational training) was already higher than the statutory minimum wage in the east and west. Now, pay in temporary employment continues to move away in large steps from the significantly lower minimum wage. This is happening across the board, because no other industry has such a high tariff spread (above 99%) like temporary work. Here there are also no exceptionsas is common in other industries, where the long-term unemployed are paid below the statutory minimum wage for the first six months or, for example, young people in vacation and temporary jobs. 

In addition to the salary, the Vacation entitlement as well as Vacation and Christmas bonus increased.

Negotiators for the employer side emphasize that it was not only a long-term negotiation, but that the unions were accommodated as much as possible. Sven Kramer, VGZ's chief negotiator, emphasized, "In doing so, we have accommodated the unions as far as the current economic situation allows in their pay demands."

Uwe Beyer, deputy negotiator VGZ and BAP board member, emphasized that although a challenging result had been achieved, this would give the German economy and in particular companies and employees "planning security again for 3 years, which is of great value in view of the current and future uncertainty factors."

Similarly rated Andreas Nusko, managing director of Franz & Wach Personalservice, the collective agreement. "Our customers throughout Germany attach great importance to having the most possible High planning reliability for production and personnel costs to maintain. Stable collective agreements are an important basis for this. The fact that temporary workers are earning more and more is also recognition of the valuable work they do for companies and the German economy. Whereby we have to say from our own experience that collectively agreed wages only play a role in the unskilled sector. Skilled workers have long been earning above the collective wage agreement, even in temporary staffing.namely common market prices. Here, therefore, the number of vacation days in particular changes as a result of the new collective agreement."

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