

As a personnel service provider, we strengthen and relieve your own personnel department. Benefit from our know-how and a wide network for candidate search and employee selection.

Why recruitment agency?

The ongoing shortage of skilled workers is causing recruitment efforts to increase. Local searches and advertisements in the regional press no longer bring the results of earlier years. So it's good to have a competent partner at your side who knows the applicant market and knows how to use the various recruitment channels, even on a supra-regional basis. Leave the time-consuming search and pre-selection to our experts. We will only submit profiles of candidates who meet your requirements.

Your advantages

You save time, money and human resources.
We know the most effective recruitment channels for each applicant group.
With over 30,000 interviews per year, Franz & Wach has a great deal of experience and a high level of knowledge of the applicant market.
Our nationwide presence increases the chances of finding flexible and qualified applicants.
Try & Hire
If you are not completely convinced of the suitability of an employee or you are not yet sure whether you want to fill the position permanently, our Try & Hire concept is an option. This allows you to get to know the employee first and then take him on at a time that suits you.
You too can rely on our quality of service
We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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