


On and off the running track

Franz & Wach by Jobandtalent supported the Crailsheim city run for the second time as name sponsor of the children's runs. Every October 3, the Förderverein Leichtathletik Crailsheim e.V. (Crailsheim Athletics Association) organizes a large running event in the Horaffenstadt an der Jagst. Around a thousand participants then move through the city on several laps, frenetically cheered on by the spectators [...]
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Summer competition

Take part in Franz & Wach's big summer competition and win gift vouchers worth up to 150 euros! We are launching a big summer competition on our social media channels. For this purpose, drinking bottles with the inscription "Here I am right!" are currently being distributed to customers and employees. Participation is very simple: Position the bottle on your [...]
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Collective wage increase in temporary staffing as of April 1

Collectively agreed wages in temporary employment will rise on April 1. This also increases the number of cases in which temporary workers earn more than permanent employees. The next collective wage increase in temporary staffing takes effect at the beginning of the month. As a result, the minimum wage in temporary employment will rise to 13 euros per hour, one euro above the currently applicable statutory minimum wage. Across all pay groups [...]
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Awarded for "Fairness on the Job
Focus magazine names Franz & Wach the industry winner in personnel services In a recent study by Focus magazine on fairness in the workplace, the Crailsheim-based personnel services provider Franz & Wach emerges as the industry winner. Does this herald a change in image for an entire industry? It is no longer enough to offer a secure job or a good salary, [...]
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Temporary workers are sick less often
Despite greater dangers in the workplace, temporary workers are sick less often than employees in other industries Temporary workers are employees like everyone else. Personnel service providers repeatedly assert this; after all, the same rights and obligations under labor law apply to temporary workers as to all employees in Germany. Protection against dismissal, continued payment of wages, vacation entitlement and similar benefits of labor law in Germany, temporary workers benefit [...]
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Successful training as personnel service clerks
Franz & Wach trainees once again perform excellently Since 2010, Franz & Wach Personalservice GmbH has consistently trained personnel service clerks. Most of the trainees continue their career at Franz & Wach after graduation. The training course for personnel service clerks (PDK) was offered for the first time in 2008. The job description includes all activities related to personnel management. A personnel services clerk helps people with [...]
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We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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