


Franz & Wach supports the 24 Christmas miracles

    Around 500 customers from all over Germany as well as thousands of employees rely on Franz & Wach Personalservice GmbH, because with its many years of experience and expertise, it provides first-class personnel services and is a popular employer. Despite more than 20 locations throughout Germany, proximity to people and the region always plays a major role. New, modern and contemporary [...]
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Franz & Wach moves into new company headquarters in the heart of Crailsheim

Franz & Wach Personalservice GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of the international Job&Talent Group, has successfully completed its move to new, centrally located offices in Crailsheim. The move marks a significant step for the company, which despite being part of a global group of companies with over USD 2 billion in sales and more than 350,000 external employees, [...]
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On and off the running track

Franz & Wach by Jobandtalent supported the Crailsheim city run for the second time as name sponsor of the children's runs. Every October 3, the Förderverein Leichtathletik Crailsheim e.V. (Crailsheim Athletics Association) organizes a large running event in the Horaffenstadt an der Jagst. Around a thousand participants then move through the city on several laps, frenetically cheered on by the spectators [...]
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Der neue Franz & Wach-Look nimmt Gestalt an
The new Franz & Wach look takes shape
A lot has happened at Franz & Wach. Over many months, we had worked long and hard to realign our corporate strategy and thus offer the best possible personnel services for our colleagues, applicants and customers alike. The values defined in the process naturally also had to be expressed visually. The result [...]
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Zeitarbeit im Aufwärtstrend
Temporary staffing on the up
The temporary employment market in Germany has experienced a significant growth spurt in recent years. According to official figures from the German Federal Employment Agency, which go back to the summer of 2015, around 960,000 people were working as temporary staff at mid-year. Two years earlier, the figure was around 100,000 fewer. Temporary workers accounted for 2.7 percent of all employees in Germany as of June. The [...]
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Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit fast halbiert
Labor market: long-term unemployment almost halved
The number of people who have been unemployed for at least a year or more fell significantly in just under a decade. While around 1.9 million people in Germany were still affected by long-term unemployment at its peak in 2006, the number had fallen to around one million by 2014, according to statistics from the Federal Employment Agency. The [...]
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We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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