


On and off the running track

Franz & Wach by Jobandtalent supported the Crailsheim city run for the second time as name sponsor of the children's runs. Every October 3, the Förderverein Leichtathletik Crailsheim e.V. (Crailsheim Athletics Association) organizes a large running event in the Horaffenstadt an der Jagst. Around a thousand participants then move through the city on several laps, frenetically cheered on by the spectators [...]
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Summer competition

Take part in Franz & Wach's big summer competition and win gift vouchers worth up to 150 euros! We are launching a big summer competition on our social media channels. For this purpose, drinking bottles with the inscription "Here I am right!" are currently being distributed to customers and employees. Participation is very simple: Position the bottle on your [...]
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Collective wage increase in temporary staffing as of April 1

Collectively agreed wages in temporary employment will rise on April 1. This also increases the number of cases in which temporary workers earn more than permanent employees. The next collective wage increase in temporary staffing takes effect at the beginning of the month. As a result, the minimum wage in temporary employment will rise to 13 euros per hour, one euro above the currently applicable statutory minimum wage. Across all pay groups [...]
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Übergabe eines Schecks von Franz & Wach an den Arbeitskreis Tansania
Donation for education project in Tanzania
We enable children in Tanzania to develop - by supporting a local education project that ensures school and vocational training for children and young people Education is for many people the access to better development opportunities and thus also to a better life. Based on this realization, we were happy to make a difference with the Franz & Wach Christmas donation, [...]
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Charity Days bei Franz & Wach
Charity Days at Franz & Wach
At Franz & Wach, every employee can take one day off a year to participate in a charitable campaign. Our Munich colleagues have now launched the pilot project. Even in our day-to-day work, it is a matter of the heart for us to support people professionally and also personally. One way of doing this is to find jobs for every employee and applicant [...]
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Betriebssport zur Integration von Flüchtlingen
Company sports for the integration of refugees
Soccer unites, because no matter where we come from: The soccer field inspires everyone. As a result of this worldwide passion, our company sports team recently gained reinforcement from asylum seekers from the Crailsheim region, who are now keeping fit together with us. The Franz & Wach company sports team meets regularly for soccer training. To get two teams going, the [...]
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Soziales Engagement: Ein Weihnachtsgeschenk unterm Engelbaum
Social commitment: A Christmas gift under the angel tree
Gifts are a real win-win situation: they trigger joy in the one who gives and, of course, in the one who receives the gift. But now the Franz & Wach company philosophy goes one step further, because for us, success counts for three parties at once, and those are not only us as a personnel service provider, but also our customers and [...]
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We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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