Gifts are a real win-win situation: they trigger joy in the person giving the gift and, of course, in the person receiving the gift. Now the company philosophy of Franz & Wach goes one step further, because for us, success counts for three parties at once, and these are not only us as a personnel service provider, but also our customers and our employees. It follows from this that we have the triple profit, i.e. the Win-win-win situation strive for. This brings us full circle to the Festival of Festivals, as we have applied this principle to the Christmas gifts of our internal employees.
The choice was a yearly lottery ticket of the Aktion Mensch, or a donation for the Association Child Poverty in Germany, which can be found in the Angel tree project for the Christmas wishes of disadvantaged children. Many of our colleagues decided to make the donation and our management added a bonus on top, so that finally 1.000 Euro were collected. Ultimately, both choices serve a good cause, and Franz & Wach thus manages to ensure that employees can also bring joy to other people with their gift. Win-win-win.