


On and off the running track

Franz & Wach by Jobandtalent supported the Crailsheim city run for the second time as name sponsor of the children's runs. Every October 3, the Förderverein Leichtathletik Crailsheim e.V. (Crailsheim Athletics Association) organizes a large running event in the Horaffenstadt an der Jagst. Around a thousand participants then move through the city on several laps, frenetically cheered on by the spectators [...]
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Summer competition

Take part in Franz & Wach's big summer competition and win gift vouchers worth up to 150 euros! We are launching a big summer competition on our social media channels. For this purpose, drinking bottles with the inscription "Here I am right!" are currently being distributed to customers and employees. Participation is very simple: Position the bottle on your [...]
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Collective wage increase in temporary staffing as of April 1

Collectively agreed wages in temporary employment will rise on April 1. This also increases the number of cases in which temporary workers earn more than permanent employees. The next collective wage increase in temporary staffing takes effect at the beginning of the month. As a result, the minimum wage in temporary employment will rise to 13 euros per hour, one euro above the currently applicable statutory minimum wage. Across all pay groups [...]
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New industry surcharge tariff for the chemical industry
New collective agreement regulates industry surcharges for temporary workers in the chemical industry The Mining, Chemical and Energy Industrial Union (IG BCE), together with the representatives of the personnel service providers, consisting of the Federal Employers' Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP) and the Negotiating Association for Temporary Work (VGZ), has agreed on an adjustment of the industry surcharge collective agreements for temporary workers in the chemical industry. Depending on the pay groupings, these amount [...]
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Franz & Wach is among the top 25 personnel service providers
Our milestone of joining the ranks of the top 25 personnel service providers in terms of revenue was achieved unexpectedly quickly. There are good reasons for this. It was an ambitious goal when our management set the course two years ago: we wanted to become one of the top 25 staffing companies by 2020. At the time, we were just in 50th place and it was foreseeable [...]
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The horse whisperers from the human resources services training program
Next round for our training event Fit For Success. With a horse farm as the location and the motto "grasp through experience", the fun was pre-programmed. There is never a dull moment at Franz & Wach, which is of course also interesting for trainees, who find excellent prospects with us. On the one hand, this crystallizes in the everyday working life of a growing and constantly changing [...]
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Franz & Wach signs Diversity Charter
We immediately subscribe to the fact that diversity is part of our corporate culture. At the German Diversity Day, for example. What counts for us are professional factors such as work motivation, experience and expertise. Points such as gender, appearance, religion and the like, on the other hand, play no role in the selection of applicants. In everyday life, however, many people still encounter discrimination and [...]
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Topping-out ceremony for the new Franz & Wach headquarters
Even Lord Mayor Rudolf Michl reserved time for the joint Weißwurst breakfast on the occasion of our new central building, because Franz & Wach is making a real architectural statement with it. We were now able to see for ourselves that the atmosphere of this office building will be exceptionally bright, friendly and open. It will still take until our new headquarters is ready for occupancy [...].
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We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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