
No industry integrates as well and as much as temporary staffing


One in four refugees finds their way into the labor market via temporary employment

Franz & Wach offers refugees a good springboard into the labor market through temporary employment

According to the current figures of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Temporary employment offers more refugees a job opportunity than any other industry in Germany. From the eight most important countries of origin for asylum (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia and Syria) alone, more than 17,900 refugees have found employment in temporary work. This means that Every fourth refugee, who managed to start work in 2017, dhe springboard temporary employment used. This makes the industry the most important entry point for refugees into the German labor market.

Granted: There was also no industry as well prepared for the integration of refugees as the temporary staffing industry, which has has never had any fear of contact with foreign employees. For many years, the proportion of foreigners among employees in the personnel services sector has been significantly higher than the proportion of foreigners in the overall group of employees in Germany. They now account for around 30 percent of temporary workers. 

Another important factor is certainly that the Education and qualification level of immigrants from unsafe countries of origin is rather low on average. According to a study by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB; see below for source) have. 76 percent of those seeking protection have no vocational or higher education at all. In educational comparison achieve 52 percent of the refugees at best the level of lower secondary school (Realschulabschluss). A quarter of the refugees even attended only elementary school or no school at all. This also makes it clear that the majority of refugees simply lack the level of qualification to find employment beyond helper jobs.

Nonetheless, refugees represent a important employee group is. While unemployment in Germany is at a record low, for many entrepreneurs, refugees are often the last hope to "keep the belt rolling". Temporary employment agency we Franz & Wach help find suitable people and support also actively the integration phase in the company. Often, it is not only a matter of communicating work processes and rules of conduct, but also of providing assistance in dealing with authorities or mediating in the event of misunderstandings due to cultural differences. 

Do you have any further questions on the subject? Then feel free to contact the nearest Franz & Wach branch or to our press officer.

Source reference: "IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees 2016" and article "Die Integrationsdienstleister" in the industry magazine "Personaldienstleister", issue 01/18 of the Bundesarbeitgeberverband der Personaldienstleister e.V. (BAP)

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