
Topping-out ceremony for the new Franz & Wach headquarters


Even Lord Mayor Rudolf Michl reserved time for the joint Weißwurst breakfast on the occasion of our new central building, because Franz & Wach is making a real architectural statement with it.

Richtfest Firmengebäude Zentrale Crailsheim

We were now able to see for ourselves that the atmosphere of this office building will be exceptionally bright, friendly and open. It will still take until next spring before our new headquarters is ready for occupancy, but the joint celebration with a veal sausage breakfast gave us more than just a good first impression, because we around 40 central employees not only celebrated together on a single, large floor, but will also work in this constellation later.

There is a good reason for this, because from the very beginning Franz & Wach had the intention to Values of the company as far as possible into the daily work of their colleagues. Openness, Networking and Transparency are thus lived in a very special way and also transported to the outside. We are already looking forward to it.

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