
F&W becomes a member of the Family Pact of Bavaria


The first Franz & Wach branch to become a member of the Family Pact of Bavaria is the branch in Penzberg

The compatibility of work and family is a very important concern for most people. Since the concerns of our employees are also our concerns, it is only logical that Franz & Wach, as an employer of more than 2,500 people, is also committed to this issue.

Now work situation is very different among our employees. This applies both to the internal employees at the Crailsheim headquarters, the 21 branches or the 3 on-site offices of Franz & Wach. However, it applies even more strongly to the over 2,000 temporary employees, who are employed by more than 100 different customers via Franz & Wach. This is because the work situation of a temporary employee is very much influenced by the respective company of assignment.

All our employees receive upon request Parental leave and support in the search for childcare places for their childrenr. To many we can also offer a Part-time employment offer. It goes without saying that we are dependent on the accommodating attitude of the assignment company in this regard. In some companies, temporary employees can also take advantage of the support services offered by the company they are working for.

All temporary employees have a Time account, which can be used flexibly not only for interruptions of work, but also for family purposes. In addition - an explicit advantage of the personnel service - we also offer our employees and collaborators the search for more suitable inserts an, should a deployment ever decide that it is no longer in line with the family.

As an employer, we have more options when it comes to family-friendly benefits for internal employees - and we make use of them. For example, in addition to Confidential working time also Unlimited vacation an. This is not only a unique selling point in the personnel services industry, but is also hard to find outside this industry. Some activities are also suitable in whole or in part for working from home (Home Office). Digital devices such as smartphone and notebook result in further flexibility in the choice of daily work location. 

Family consciousness is in the Corporate culture and in our Management Guidelines strongly anchored. Ultimately, our workforce also feels like one big family itself. It is therefore absolutely obvious that, in addition to membership in the Company network Success Factor Family have now also joined the Family Pact of Bavaria.

The first Franz & Wach branch, which has now taken this step, is our Branch in Penzberg. Branch Manager Alexander Randl and  Personnel consultant Lisa Probst were presented in an official ceremony on November 4, 2019 from the hands of District Administrator Andrea Jochner-Weiß and Head of Department Markus Zorzi receive the membership certificate. But this is just the beginning. Further branches in Bavaria will follow.

The Family Pact Bavaria e.V. is a network of companies that Promoting the compatibility of work and family has taken up the banner. The founding initiative came jointly from the Bavarian state government, the Association of Bavarian Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the Association of Bavarian Business and the Bavarian Trades Council. Currently, 926 companies in Bavaria have voluntarily committed themselves by signing the statutes of the Family Pact.

Photo: Daniel Gierig

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