
Direct appointment booking (still) not very popular with applicants


2 Franz & Wach stores offer applicants to schedule interviews themselves. Several interview forms are offered.

Franz & Wach sees itself as a full-service provider and service leader. Therefore, it is also a great concern of ours to improve the applicant experience (neudeutsch: Candidate Experience) from the job advertisement to the signing of the employment contract as positively as possible. Prompt feedback on received application documents, a upcoming interview, personal consultation and open statement of opportunities and possibilities have long been part of our applicant support. But we are always interested in optimizing the process and expanding the service.

In order to reach out to applicants even more, at the beginning of December we held Duisburg and Ansbach started a test. There, applicants can now set the interviews themselves. They don't even have to upload a resume or submit an application. Directly via the job offer they can make an appointment for a Phone call, a WhatsApp chat or a personal conversation book in the branch office. This means that the applicants have the reins firmly in their hands.

This sounds like a great offer and uncomplicated approach. So far, however, the opportunities have been little taken up. "We had actually expected that even more applicants would take up this offer and book appointments themselves" says Branch Manager Alexander Pöpperl from Ansbach on the experiences of the last few weeks. "However, many people obviously still prefer to send a written application by e-mail and then wait for us to propose an appointment. In addition, applicants also have the option of spontaneously dropping by our branch and applying at any time. With a bit of luck, a personnel consultant will then also be available for an interview right away."

If you would like to take a look at what jobs are on offer at the two branches and perhaps secure an appointment right away, you can do so directly here:

Jobs in Ansbach and surroundings

Jobs in Duisburg and surroundings

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