
Opportunities instead of hurdles for the low-skilled

Chancen statt Hürden für Geringqualifizierte
The personnel consultants at Franz & Wach offer jobs and future prospects, even for the low-skilled

People without vocational qualifications bear a particularly high risk, from Unemployment to be affected. Although the general unemployment rate in Germany is lower than ever before, almost one in five low-skilled workers suffers from not being able to find employment, according to a survey by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) has revealed.

But Opportunities there always is. A Temporary job at Franz & Wach represents a particularly good (re-)entry into the profession, because with the large number of our customers they result in constantly new application possibilities. We find out about these jobs at an early stage and we always have an overview of which ones are suitable for you personally. In this way, we not only get you into work quickly, but we also ensure that you feel comfortable in your assignment in the long term.

In addition, we enable our colleagues to make targeted Further training measures. This is part of the F&W Plus concept and here, too, the focus is on providing you with significantly better career prospects on the labor market, not just in the short term, but in the long term. With Franz & Wach as your employer, you will get ahead faster, because it is our Visionto find the work you need - and that moves you forward.

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