
BAP makes a strong case for security in temporary employment



BAP macht sich für Sicherheit in der Zeitarbeit stark
Franz & Wach is very strongly represented at the Employers' Day for Temporary Employment in

One thing is clear: Things are changing in the personnel services sector. Unfortunately, these changes are currently still characterized by uncertainty, because politicians have not yet been able to come to clearly defined decisions in all cases. The Payment of temporary employees according to Equal Pay for example, which is to come into force from 2017, depends on numerous factors in each individual case and makes the necessary planning certainty more difficult for employees and customer companies alike. Also the Integration of refugees into the labor market is a major task that can be significantly advanced by personnel service providers. We are in the starting blocks and are only waiting for the final legislative decision, which has not yet been passed.

Franz & Wach is therefore joining forces with many other industry representatives in the Federal Employers' Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP) is strongly committed to advancing the political course of our country. The recent summer party provided an excellent opportunity for this, which was also used intensively by the guests present. With high-ranking politicians such as Christian Lindner (FDP), important decision-makers from politics were also invited, who were made aware of the high urgency of this issue. In addition, new programs such as the Three-stage qualification model for temporary employees on the agenda, with which the association will make it easier for the long-term unemployed to return to work.

On the occasion of the BAP's fifth anniversary, the summer party was of course under a special banner this time. Together we move a lot.

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