
Temporary work offers security and opportunities


The temporary employment model is growing at a stable level and opening up numerous new prospects for people applying from unemployment.

Zeitarbeit bietet Sicherheit und Chancen
Temporary employment can also offer an attractive environment for commercial specialists.

Every year, the Federal Employment Agency publishes figures that are eagerly awaited by politicians, business and society alike: The figures on the Employment situation in Germany. It is now clear that in the first half of 2016, with 43.5 million people in employment, we set a new Record because there have never been so many before in the history of the Federal Republic.

Temporary employees are benefiting from this growth course to the same extent. While their number has increased, the proportion with 2.7 percent of all employed persons remains constant. If, on the other hand, only jobs subject to social security contributions are considered, the figure is 2.9 percent. Temporary employment thus leads Above average frequency to a job subject to social security contributions instead of, for example, lower-paid mini-jobs. The constant development also ensures a stable working environment and secure customer assignments.

Of particular relevance is always the question of what contribution temporary employment makes to the labor market. Here, too, there is a figure that speaks volumes. 70 percent of newly hired temporary workers applied for jobs from unemployment and found a job through the staffing service. new job perspective received. This proves once again the integrative importance of temporary work and thus contributed to the high level of employment.

Source: German Federal Employers' Association of Personnel Service Providers (BAP)

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