The three trainees who completed their training at Franz & Wach in spring 2017 have now climbed to the next career level.
Jasmin Noebel moved to the Key Account Management department at Franz & Wach immediately after completing her training at the Crailsheim branch. Here she was able to familiarize herself with the various topics of key account acquisition and support. She is involved in tenders as well as in co-supplier support or event organization for our customers.
Katharina Rupp initially remained with her training branch in Heilbronn after completing her training. As a team assistant, she took on an extended area of responsibility here, although she was already familiar with all the tasks of this position from her training. Stefan Schwartl on the other hand, moved to central accounting after completing his training at Franz & Wach in Feuchtwangen. This enabled him to expand and deepen his training knowledge in the areas of payroll accounting, invoicing and controlling. As of October 4, 2017, both are now starting a dual study program at the DHBW Heilbronn. In the three-year Business Administration/Service Management they will regularly alternate between the theoretical studies at the Heilbronn Campus and the practical phases at the Franz & Wach company. The changeover will take place every 3 months on average. Both students already know the branch business of personnel services very well from their training. They will now each spend a practical phase getting to know on-site management at one of our major customers. In the remaining phases, they will then pass through the individual central departments, from Internal Services to Marketing, Key Account Management, Operations Management and the internal HR department.
These are just three examples of how career starters can make a career at Franz & Wach. True to our mission statement "We enable people and companies to develop", it is very important to us to give our employees, whether old or young, male or female, whether employed externally or internally, development prospects. Anyone who is interested in this is welcome to join us at any time.