
Management model: Unlimited vacation and free time management


A year ago, Franz & Wach introduced the groundbreaking rule that every employee is free to decide how to allocate his or her time. What was the result?

Führungsmodell: Unbegrenzter Urlaub und freie Zeiteinteilung

You can imagine how big our eyes got when we heard about the introduction of the Confidential working time learned. From then on, each employee was basically free to decide when and how long they worked and how much vacation they took. Of course, business operations and the achievement of goals were not allowed to suffer as a result, but the individual teams could work out everything else among themselves.

A year has passed since then and you will surely wonder if this "venture" worked and is still applied today. It has worked, and it has worked very well. Franz & Wach continues to be on the road to success, which clearly shows that more freedom by no means leads to a reduction in performance, but instead an higher employee satisfaction promises. In order to get a clear picture of the mood of our colleagues, we asked them for information in a large survey.

86 percent of employees said that the relaxed vacation policy created freedom and flexibility without affecting performance. 81 percent also confirm that it has made vacation planning easier within the team. In addition, it should be mentioned that the number of vacation days taken has increased only slightly; employees value their work. The fact that this has a positive impact on Employer attractiveness The fact that Franz & Wach's employees now feel more at ease with the company was an obvious choice, and many colleagues confirmed that they now feel even more at ease with the company. Likewise, numerous new employees also cited the free allocation of time as a contributing factor in their application.

Free time management is only one aspect of the numerous advantages that Franz & Wach offers as an employer. Our Management model also allows each employee a high degree of freedom of action in all professional decisions. Does that sound interesting to you? Then visit our Career websitebecause you too can become part of us.

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