
Leadership culture set in stone


The completed shell of our corporate headquarters will soon be much more than a modern office building. It expresses our management principle architecturally.

Führungskultur in Stein gemeißelt
the shell of the Franz & Wach headquarters

It was just six months ago that we celebrated the groundbreaking ceremony for the new company headquarters. We already knew then that great things would be created, and now the shell of the building already makes it visible that Franz & Wach is making a real statement with the building. The concept behind the building is a real one, because the claim is no less than that of representing the values of our company. Leadership model to be sustainably chiseled in stone.

Franz & Wach is already applying the principles that point the way forward for the employer of the future. Transparency and Networking are very decisive characteristics and our new company headquarters promotes this by locating all departments on just one floor. This arrangement symbolizes the principle flat hierarchies, in which a company sees itself more as a unified large team than as a collection of individual departments.


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