
Honest answers in live chat on TikTok


More than 9,000 people last week the live video on our TikTok channel. Many showed interest in employment or placement.

Ralf Eisenbeiß und Martin Bach beim Live-Chat auf TikTok
Ralf Eisenbeiß and Martin Bach chatting live on TikTok

The TikTok channel from Franz & Wach has been around since mid-March 2022 and currently has more than 37,000 followers. The content that social media managers Tim Swiss plans, films and puts online is a colorful mix. Sometimes it is entertaining gamesplayed among colleagues, sometimes he gives the spectators Puzzle and encourages people to guess along. But again and again there are also factual content on personnel services.

The social media manager is not only supported by colleagues from the marketing department. Numerous colleagues from other departments and from the Franz & Wach branches have already taken part and appeared in the videos. This not only brings variety for the followers, but also provides a fun break from the workday time and again.

However, the goal of Franz & Wach's involvement on TikTok is not pure entertainment. Rather, the team would like to Public relations for the temporary employment industry by giving the industry a face on TikTok and offering users the opportunity to ask questions as well. This also includes answering factual questions or giving tips.

In format "Ask the Doc" explains, for example, Marketing Manager Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß weekly one aspect of temporary employment. It has already been explained here how a Working time account works or what a Collective agreement on industry surcharges triggers. These posts have been airing for several weeks now and regularly reach tens of thousands of TikTok users.

In the past week, Franz & Wach then also went for one hour live on TikTok. Without much announcement and quite spontaneously, marketing manager Dr. Ralf Eisenbeiß and authorized signatory Martin Bach live from the Franz & Wach headquarters in Crailsheim and offered, Questions about temporary work directly live. To bridge the warm-up phase, a little game was played. But the first questions about wages, conditions of employment, chances of being taken on by the company and collective bargaining agreements came quickly. All in all 9,300 people in live chat over, which was supposed to last only one hour. However, due to the never-ending questions, they stayed online for 90 minutes. Several viewers also asked directly in the live chat whether Franz & Wach would give them a offer or arrange new job could. These included, above all, skilled workers such as industrial mechanics, electricians and cooks - professions that are normally difficult to find on the job market.

The social media team at Franz & Wach rated the live chat very positively. Soon there should be a repeat. "We would like to go out for this and then get in touch from other companies. Currently, talks are underway with various customers and suppliers so that we can offer our followers even more in the future," promises Social Media Manager Tim Swiss.

The TikTok channel of Franz & Wach can be found at


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