The Corona crisis has a stranglehold not only on social life but also on the German economy. With very few exceptions, all industries are feeling the negative effects in the form of slumping sales and declining orders. The German government is talking about the biggest crisis since World War II and has put together a rescue package of unprecedented size to safeguard companies and jobs.
Of course, we are also feeling the cuts with all our might. The temporary staffing industry is seen as Leading indicator of the economy. That's why this time, too, companies reacted very quickly and canceled operations. Particularly in the automotive industry and the textile trade, but also in the non-food retail sector, there were deployment interruptions and cancellations throughout Germany within a few days. This hits us hardr, since a large part of the sales volume is lost overnight - while costs initially remain the same.
Nevertheless Franz & Wach will try to save all jobs if possible and to keep employees busy even through the crisis. To this end, we draw on the Possibility of short-time work back, which fortunately has just been passed by the legislator for temporary employment newly regulated was. Already in March Several hundred employees of Franz & Wach will go on short-time working. This takes place to varying degrees depending on the region and, above all, the assignment. Some employees have to stay home completely ("short-time work zero"), while for others the number of working days is merely reduced.
Also as a sign of solidarity with the temporary workers participates also the internal staff nationwide participate in the measure and go on short-time working. The extent of internal short-time working is adapted to regional conditions. Where a particularly large number of temporary employees are affected, internal staff also go on short-time working to a greater extent.
Fortunately, there are also Customer operations where the work does not run out especially in the Corona crisis. Many belong to the so-called "critical infrastructure"These are sectors of the economy that are very important right now in order to support the economic system and society. There is still a great need for labor in these sectors and in many places personnel will also continue to be sought and recruited.
In these cases, Franz & Wach works not only with the Proven recruiting channelsbut also with the newly created job placement tools. The task now is to move the available workforce to where it is most urgently needed. That's why the job market at Franz & Wach is still well filled. In addition, we can - and must - already think about the time after Corona. With this in mind, job interviews are already being held today and employment contracts are being concluded for the future. All Franz & Wach branches are technically equipped in such a way that Job interviews not only by telephone, but also via video call can take place. These opportunities are increasingly being taken up by applicants.
As you can see: Even in times of crisis, there is a lot to do. Not for everyone, but all the more so for some. We try to distribute the work as well as possible for the benefit of all. Clearly, intelligently and competently.
Here you will find the Leaflet on short-time work from the German Federal Employment Agency