


Honest answers in live chat on TikTok

More than 9,000 people last week the live video on our TikTok channel. Many showed interest in employment or placement. Franz & Wach's TikTok channel has been around since mid-March 2022 and currently has more than 37,000 followers. The content that social media manager Tim Schweizer plans, films and puts online is [...]
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Aktion Mensch seal as a sign of our social commitment

With this seal, which we received from Aktion Mensch, we would like to show you our social commitment. Because especially as a company it is important for us to bear social responsibility. Franz & Wach is particularly committed to the development and life path of people. We do this as an employer and employment agency, but [...]
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Kick-off 2023

The market has a lot to look forward to from Franz & Wach and Jobandtalent this year The goal has been set and the sails have been set together. At the kick-off meeting in the idyllic Rechenberg (Schwäbisch Hall district), managers from all over Germany came together to discuss measures with which we can attract even more employees this year [...]
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Specialist days in Crailsheim
Franz & Wach presents itself with competent advice, popcorn and Good Karma llama The Hohenloher Tagblatt organizes a job and career fair once a year. The target group are professionals looking for new challenges. Among the more than 60 exhibitors, Franz & Wach also presented itself with competent companions for the career of skilled workers. The regional unemployment rate of 2.6 percent indicates [...]
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Springboard temporary employment - how it works
Temporary employment forms an important bridge into the labor market. Many people who take up employment with us also hope to be taken on by a customer at some point. This is still true today, even though wages have been adjusted and the permanent employment contract is the rule at Franz & Wach. We respect this wish and support the takeover [...]
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Job opportunities in the crisis
After the Lock Down: Now there are already good opportunities for job seekers again! The Corona crisis has already cost many people their jobs. A great many are on short-time work - considerably more than during the last economic crisis in 2008/2009, for example. Nevertheless, there are also companies, and in some cases even entire industries, where business is now booming and staff are being hired [...]
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F&W takes over wage sponsorship for addiction aid
Franz & Wach takes on a wage sponsorship at the Lilith addiction support association in Nuremberg. The beginning of a long-term cooperation? On the initiative of our branch team in Nuremberg, Franz & Wach has decided to support the addiction support association Lilith. Lilith e.V. has been explicitly caring for drug-addicted women in the Franconian metropolis since 1993. The association's various facilities include, among others, a [...]
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Lecture: Protect yourself against Corona
The renowned ENT physician Dr. Dieter Schwarz gave a lecture on the subject of corona to employees of the Franz & Wach company. It was also about tips on how to protect yourself from infections in the short and long term. To the video: The Corona pandemic currently also has Germany in a stranglehold. Many people are wondering how they can best protect themselves. [...]
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Sobering interim conclusion on the AÜG reform
In the meantime, one and a half years have passed since the AÜG reform (04/2017) came into force. Even then, many staffing service providers feared that the reform would also bring with it some difficult tasks that would have to be overcome. Many fears have now unfortunately come true. In Personalmagazin (Haufe), five personnel service providers have now drawn up an interim balance sheet, including Andreas [...]
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New branch in Mosbach
As of now, Franz & Wach is also on site in the Neckar-Odenwald district Since February 1, 2021, Franz & Wach now also has a branch office in Mosbach. We are thus expanding the already dense branch network between Mannheim, Würzburg, Nuremberg and Ulm with an additional point of contact on the edge of the Odenwald. "For us, personnel services are more than just filling positions. We enable [...]
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Two employer awards for F&W
Focus and Focus Business publish "Top Employer in Germany 2020" and "Highest Fairness in the Job" Franz & Wach received two mailings in the past few days, because the personnel service provider has attracted positive attention in independent studies and has accordingly received two employer awards. The company is naturally pleased about these awards, which also make a statement about [...]
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Hero campaign presents F&W
With its "Heroes Campaign", Mensch First presents employers who are particularly committed to their employees and to social causes. Franz & Wach is making a start. "Anyone who is in a position to help others should do so. It pays to do good, for your employees and for your region, because good always comes [...]
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Confirmed as top personnel service provider
Once again, Franz & Wach has been confirmed as the top temporary staffing service provider by the Statista Institute and Focus Business magazine Every year, the Burda publishing house commissions the Statista Institute to conduct a survey of the market for personnel services. Recommendations from personnel experts and candidates are evaluated to determine the list of top personnel service providers. For this purpose, Statista interviews HR managers from various companies, [...]
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We want to make temporary work better. Better than yesterday. Better than others.
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