
Recruiting of the future


Persy user group deals with groundbreaking technology

Persy Anwenderkreis bei einer Tagung

The labor shortage has Germany's economy firmly in its grip. Just recently, the Federal Employment Agency announced that the Unemployment rate at a historic low has fallen. The number of vacancies is greater than ever before. At the same time, due to the increasing digitalization of society, the Search and application behavior of candidates. This is therefore an important topic for staffing companies, for whom the search for employees is one of their daily tasks.

The software provider German Personnel e-search GmbH offers "Persy", a software that was specially developed for personnel service providers. It already makes it possible to advertise job vacancies on a large number of job exchanges as well as, for example, on Facebook to publish. However, in order to secure the advantage in recruitment for the future, it requires constant optimization and further development. And so, from 29.11. to 30.11., recruiting experts from leading personnel service providers met at the headquarters of German Personnel in Unterhaching to discuss the Further development of the software with input from recruiting practice to support.

In addition to the current challenges of the applicant market, future challenges were also intensively discussed. Under the keywords Recruiting Automation and Artificial intelligence thought was given to how employers and employees might find each other in the future and what technology would be needed to do so. Already today, the smartphone is playing an increasingly important role in job searches. Whether and how soon it will also play a leading role in job applications is just one of many exciting questions.

Whatever changes the future may bring, Franz & Wach is already preparing for them and keeping pace with all technical developments. Clear. Smart. Competent. 

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